Jumat, 20 Maret 2009


*Sorry klo pake bhs indo... gw lg bingung gila..
Gila, gw gila...

ga tau kenapa akhir2 ini gw sama sekali ga ada semangat bwat belajar...
gw ngrasa gw ada gunanya lagi bwat gw.......
krn gw ga tau gw bener apa enggak masuk di sbm ini...
ini bukan minat gw sbenernya... (masuk bwat ortu)...

gw malah ga tau minat gw apa...
hhh, jadi kepikiraannn mulu....
gw jadi ga semangat ngapa2in...

nyusun PA, yg biasanya gw smangat bgt... skarang stengah2...
Kerjaan gw skarang.. tidur, dan browsing internet...
mana mau uts...
bingung gila gw...

knapa ya??
apa krn gw kehilangan pegangan??

Rabu, 11 Maret 2009


I just don't know..

Lately, i always had a bad mood...
don't know why...

but it getting worser and worser everyday..

like today, i feel like, don't want to smile.... don't want to socialize that much... but i forced myself to fight it... 

Well, i do have problem.. but i don't think of it that much...

so what is the cause??

it's really bugging me.. since i may hurt someone accidentally... (i am always a blubber mouth when i'm in a bad mood)..

maybe this is a mood swing?? (but, i never had one of those before..)
Hunger?? (Hmmm... i guess not..)
Health Problem?? (Maybe... i always felt dizzy lately)
Menstruation?? (rrrr.... yeahhh right!)

WTF is happening to me???

Kamis, 05 Maret 2009

Woman for me

Woman for me... Is Someone that i loved, i cared, and i adore so much!

Woman for me... Is Someone who feel the same way as i feel to her....

Woman for me... Is Someone that understand that i'm not flawless, and still accept it...

Woman for me... Is Someone that try to understand me, as i try to understand her...

Woman for me... Is Someone that wait for me patiently, even when i'm not there...

Woman for me... Is Someone that so afraid that i would leave her, yet she sure that i'm not

Woman for me... Is Someone when i think about, i'll feel that i'm not alone in this world...

Woman for me... Is Someone that agreed that as long as we're loved each other, there's nothing to doubt about...

Woman for me... Is Someone that put my need above her, even when i told her not to...

Woman for me... Is Someone that so afraid when i'm mad, yet try to understand it instead of fight it...

Woman for me... Is Someone i cried about after she's mad at me...

Woman for me... Is Someone that so afraid that she's no match for me, and i feel the same way too...

Woman for me... Is Someone that can't imagined a world without each other...


Woman for me... Is YOU!...
Thx for being the greatest part in my life....

I'm sorry about all my flaws
and i hope you'll accept it forever...

I loved you so much!

Rabu, 04 Maret 2009

The Reason

Without "Black", there will be no "White"
Without "Sad", There will be no "Happy"
Without "Bad", there will be no "Good"
Without "Disappointment", There will be no "Faith"
Without "Failure", There will be no "Success"
Without "Enemy", There will be no "Friends"
Without "Dark, There will be no "Lights"


Without "Problems", There will be no "Life"

Now we know why those $#!t things are created...
Why cry over it??

Changed it!

Just Go!


Get Out of my Life...

I've been Happy...

Thx For Asking!!!

Selasa, 03 Maret 2009

Different ways...

You see every darkness between the light..
You see bunkers in every green...
You see stain in every silk...
You see hatred in every kindness...

you see nothing in your life...

that's life....

"Life is something that always could go wrong"

Life isn't about how problems changed you...
Life is about How you changed the problems..

see it in different way...

seek trees in every dessert...
seek pearl in every dirt...
seek rainbow in every cloud... 
seek happiness in every sadness...

then you'll see
There's a reason behind an excuse...
There's an opportunity behind every trouble...

There's a beautiful life in our life...
Trouble just help us to make it more beautiful...

Senin, 02 Maret 2009

Looking at the other side...

Life is full of side..
is not just our side..
it also their side..
his side..
her side...
anyone's side...

each side have different angle, view and value...

look from different side, and you'll understand..

there's explanation beyond everything...
there's white beneath black...
there's darkness between light...

we will face it... wether we want it or not..

but, it only just matter of what side we're looking at...