Rabu, 04 Maret 2009

The Reason

Without "Black", there will be no "White"
Without "Sad", There will be no "Happy"
Without "Bad", there will be no "Good"
Without "Disappointment", There will be no "Faith"
Without "Failure", There will be no "Success"
Without "Enemy", There will be no "Friends"
Without "Dark, There will be no "Lights"


Without "Problems", There will be no "Life"

Now we know why those $#!t things are created...
Why cry over it??

Changed it!

2 komentar:

  1. ini bagus deh put. hehehe.
    cuma kok isian lu melo melo gini sihh?

  2. Eh, ini bkn mellow... ini Motivational... hahaaa..
